Monday, May 23, 2011

The value of life and health spending

Here the opinion of Posner and here the one of Becker regarding the dilemma where to invest health resources: in improving the quality of life, or extending life. These are relevant issues for social security. At the CISS we have worked on this area, specifically on health spending projections, see our 2010 Annual Report.


PPI said...

Every human in this world is valuable and priceless to himself and his family. An attempt to quantify the value for human life may sound ridiculous.The value of family in ones life varies by the respect or dependence one placed on family while growing up. Ever notice how to some, the value they place on their worth.

iolite said...

When we spend money on the health and then we are securing that we would be having good health in the older time. And we can easily spend little amount of money on the health to get better outcomes.

Kevin said...

Value yourself as a human being. When you value yourself, you tend to see the value in others.

imovie succedaneum on windows said...

Life is precious gift which is given by god. Having a good healthy life is the most precious possession of a man.