Friday, April 3, 2009

More on health and safety at work

Yesterday we talked about the overall message of the III Congress on Prevention of Work Risk in Latin America. These are some of the main messages:

- There should be a more exhaustive use of information technology. In particular they have proven to be very useful to establish an early warning system.

- It must adopt a multi-cause approach to understanding and improving the prevention of diseases and accidents at work.

- Attention should be paid to the “causes of causes”: it doesn´t serve a treatment that rehabilitates the workers, if these return to work under the same conditions that causes the disease or accident.

- The collection bases on bonus-malus can be very efficient to align the incentives.

- It should give greater emphasis to rehabilitation and reintegration into the labor market.

- In the extension of coverage to the informal sector in particular, is very useful to focus efforts on the most vulnerable groups.

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