Thursday, February 12, 2009

Long Term Care (LTC) and social security

In developed countries the aging of the population has implied a higher demand for LTC (help to people that can not taker care of themselves on a permanent basis, i.e., services to care not to cure). In many of these countries, social security institutions provide benefits, either to family caregivers to fulfill its two responsibilities, as worker and as caregivers, or to the disabled, either in direct provision of caregivers or on monetary terms in order for the disabled to hire a caregiver.

At the CISS we have analyzed this topic for the Latin American and the Caribbean countries. The complete analysis can be found in our Annual 2006 Report. Our two main conclusions are: i) while today in most countries demand for LTC is low, it will grow significatively in the future; ii) social security institutions should start planning the introduction of a LTC insurance.

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